Welcome to my online home. You may have stumbled across my website by accident, or perhaps as a result of hearing about a little book I wrote called, Being a Grown Up – a rhyming picture book I had the pleasure of creating with my long-time illustrator friend Agnes Chen. However you may have reached me, thank you for stopping by.
I’ve always worked with words but never thought I’d write a rhyming picture book, proving we can always surprise ourselves even when we think we already know everything about ourselves! My website will feature updates on my writing journey, insights into some of my favourite things, random thoughts that may intrigue me at any given moment, and of course info on new books and stories I publish.
I hope you read something here that cheers you up, makes you smile, or at the very least, makes you feel part of a community of grown ups who never want to stop growing up. Because we are always learning and growing, evolving and transforming…we just need to be conscious and open to the changes that await us and embrace them unconditionally, even if it’s difficult, which at times it surely will be.
If you’d like to know more about me, please take a scroll through these pages or follow me on Facebook and Instagram. You will also find my blog on this site if reading my musings is of interest – I will do my very best to entertain and perhaps inspire you, but I make no guarantees. I’m easily distracted!
You can also head over to my contact page to get in touch, I would love to hear from you.
Enjoy the rest of your journey, and if you ever feel that being a grown up can be really hard, remember that you’re not alone.